What is a Virtual Receptionist?

What is a Virtual Receptionist ? Discover Benefits and More!

Does a ringing phone bring a Scrooge-like scowl to your face? Have you recently found yourself wondering, what is a virtual receptionist? How can the service benefit your business? Or are you growing your business and want someone else to deal with phone calls you don’t want to anymore? 

No matter the reason, you are definitely on the right path because virtual receptionists are to your business what oil is to a machine.

According to a study the CFI Group conducted in 2019, based on a panel of 1832 customers, more than 76% of consumers prefer to contact businesses traditionally through phone service, despite all other options of live chat, social media, emails, etc. Though it is important to note that most of them appreciate talking to a live receptionist rather than a bot. 

What is a Virtual Receptionist?

Owing to the rise in AI technology, the general public often mistakes the word ‘virtual’ for something related to bots or automated services. However, that is not always the case. Virtual receptionists are real people who handle calls for a business, just not from where the business is based. They can be from a different city, country, or even a different continent.

Even while being remote, virtual receptionist services work in tandem with your business and ensure that you don’t ever miss a call again. They don’t just answer calls, they talk to your callers and screen calls before diverting them to you if needed. This results in more time for you to focus on your business without stressing over every single incoming call.

With the advancement in technology and online businesses after the 2019 epidemic and the resulting lockdown, the need for virtual receptionist services have only risen. The global market of VR services is estimated to reach USD 25 billion by 2029, with a staggering rise of 6.9% CAGR since 2022.

Responsibilities of a 24/7 Virtual Receptionist

The best virtual receptionists are capable enough to handle multiple tasks for you at once. They screen calls, schedule appointments, update calendar, take and forward messages, and provide emergency support to any caller who needs it.

1: Call Screening

You can trust virtual receptionists to effectively screen your calls; by filtering spam calls and by screening your leads.

A professional live virtual receptionist service deals with and responsibly adds all irrelevant sales callers to your spam list so you don’t have to deal with them. You can also provide them with additional numbers you wish to block.

They also screen leads for your business and only forward calls from qualified leads to you. With the time saved by not wasting it on unqualified leads, you can ultimately increase your business productivity and sales by closing more deals.

2: Appointment Scheduling

One of the most significant tasks of a virtual receptionist is appointment booking; both scheduling and rescheduling.

After screening new leads, they schedule appointments right onto your current calendar. Not only that, they also send confirmation and reminder messages or emails to you and the other party to avoid any inconvenience in the future.

They forward any information that you might require to prepare for the meeting. They also take care of rescheduling and timely notification in case of a delay on either end. This avoids any sort of disruption in your business processes.

3: Message Taking

Curious about a missed call while you were busy? A live virtual receptionist makes sure there is no missed call, and even takes messages when you are unavailable.

A VR realizes that you are not always available to talk and give your best to a potential client. They help you by answering those calls and collecting messages for you to check later. Sometimes, they also handle more than just calls and respond to messages on your behalf.

Without wasting time on unimportant calls, you get more time to spend on improving business operations. This results in increased efficiency and ultimately more revenue.

4: 24/7 Customer Support

A 24/7 virtual receptionist provides you and your customers 24/7 support and keeps your business live even after regular business hours.

With a 24/7 virtual receptionist, you can advertise your business as being available 24/7, which is a big deal for international customers. They are more likely to contact your business if they know you are live. A closed door means a closed opportunity.

According to a 2020 insight report, consumers are 38% more likely to recommend a company if the customer service is good. With a live receptionist talking to your customers, you can rest assured that they will be dealt with nicely and professionally. 

5: Processing Payments

The best virtual receptionists can also handle payment processing for your business.

Virtual receptionist software can be integrated with your payment software for your customers to have a seamless experience with your business. By the time you get to talk to your clients, they are already screened, booked, and paid for; saving ample amount of your time.

Additionally, virtual receptionists can also send out reminders for overdue bills, and collect payments by facilitating transactions through your preferred means. Delegating payment processing to a virtual receptionist can significantly reduce your workload.

6: Answering FAQs

Some experienced virtual receptionists know the benefits of keeping a list of FAQs with them to help callers more effectively.

Like a front-desk receptionist is trained to know everything about your business, so is a live virtual receptionist; you may even call them a virtual lobby receptionist. They are trained about the ins-and-outs of your business to answer every question knowledgably.

By keeping your virtual receptionist informed about commonly asked questions and providing them a list of FAQs, you consequently decrease call transfers to your in-office teams. 

How Does a Virtual Receptionist Work?

By now you might have more questions— how does a virtual receptionist work? How can they answer your calls remotely? How can they possibly manage all your calls alone?

Well, not all virtual receptionists work solo.

Depending on your call volume, you can look for virtual receptionist companies that provide more than one virtual receptionist to handle all your calls efficiently and professionally, leaving a long-lasting impression on your callers.

Assign a dedicated phone number:

The first step to onboarding a virtual receptionist service is to assign a dedicated phone number to them for your business. It may be your old one, that your customers are already familiar with, or it might be a new one after appropriate advertising.

Provide personalized scripts:

Providing personalized scripts to your virtual receptionist ensures that your callers don’t feel like they are talking to an outsourced service. The virtual receptionist answers exactly like your in-office team does, sticking with your brand voice.

Divert calls to VR service:

By assigning divert codes for incoming calls, you can decide if the call is to be diverted to the VR service on the first ring, or if no one at your office is answering, or just instantly every time the phone rings. It’s all up to you!

Difference Between Virtual Receptionist and Answering Service

There are essentially very few differences between a virtual receptionist and answering services. However, the most basic one that sets the two apart is the varying level of complexity.

Answering services only deal with call answering, providing good customer service, taking a message from the caller, and forwarding it to the right person in your business. Whereas, the organizations that have more requirements than just call handling, opt for virtual receptionist services.

As mentioned above, virtual receptionists do more than just answering calls. They can schedule appointments and manage your calendar, provide 24/7 support to your callers, and process payments made to your business. If these are the tasks you need handled, you might do well to hire a virtual receptionist. And if they’re not, you can hire one of the best answering services for your business

Benefits of a Live Virtual Receptionist Service

It is clear by now that virtual receptionists do more than what is the common opinion about them. They relieve you and your in-office team of various tasks, saving your time, all the while handling call screening and increasing the number of sales. There are countless ways your business benefits from a 24/7 virtual receptionist. 

Benefits of a Live VR Service

1: Cost-Effective Solution

Virtual receptionist services are a cost-effective solution as compared to hiring a full-time, in-office team. By outsourcing an online receptionist, you can delegate all the same tasks to a virtual receptionist as an in-office receptionist in almost half the price.

The ‘pay-as-you-go’ method considerably reduces overhead costs that come with a designated office space, benefits, and fixed salaries which is particularly beneficial for small businesses or businesses that are unable to afford a front-desk receptionist.

2: Round-the-Clock Availability

24/7 virtual receptionist services provide continuous support to your customers no matter what the time of day or night it is, resulting in increased customer satisfaction. With the globally raised standard for customer service, this is an exceptionally advantageous feature for any sort of business.

As discussed above, a missed call can very well be a missed opportunity. A service that keeps your business live round-the-clock guarantees uninterrupted availability to international customers as well, giving you more chances of growth and expansion.

3: Improved Productivity

Through screening and filtering your calls, virtual receptionists save a lot of your valuable time. Less interruptions automatically mean more productivity. By handling routine tasks, VRs free you up to focus on core business tasks.

When you trust your virtual receptionist to professionally and efficiently take care of your customers, you can easily spend more time building strategic plans for your business, instead of trying to keep up with the never ending calls.

4: Flexibility and Scalability

Another benefit of an online receptionist service is the flexibility and scalability offered by it. As your business grows and changes, so does your call volume. You can contact your employed virtual receptionist service and easily scale up or down the service according to your needs.

In addition to this, if you need extra support during peak times or season, your virtual receptionist service can be adjusted accordingly. This ensures that your customers are always satisfied by the care provided by your business, regardless of the call volume or any other fluctuation.

5: Enhanced Customer Service

Virtual receptionist services are the primary means of improving your customer service. By promptly and professionally answering your calls, they make your customers feel valued and increase customer satisfaction, building a positive image of your business.

The 24/7 accessibility provided by a VR service develops stronger relations with your customers, leading to an increase in customer retention and loyalty. It also leads to business growth and brand awareness through word of mouth.

6: Professional Image and Credibility 

With the help of a virtual receptionist service you are guaranteed to maintain a consistent and credible brand image. Their professional and courteous greeting and conversation with your customers reflects positively on your business.

Training your virtual receptionists according to your business requirements, and educating them about your brand voice is important as their conversation directly mirrors your business. For worse or better, customers don’t realize whether they’re talking to an outsourced service or your employees.

Therefore, it is important to choose the right virtual receptionist for your business.

Choosing the Right Virtual Receptionist Service

 Choosing the right virtual receptionist service

When it comes to hiring a virtual receptionist service, it is verily a difficult decision to make as there are thousands upon thousands of good options to choose from. A few key consideration factors are discussed below. However, it should be kept in mind that it is always wise to choose whatever feels right for your business.

1: Service Quality

The most important thing to consider before hiring a virtual receptionist service is the quality of service provided by the company. Search for a virtual receptionist company that has a proven track record of successful projects and positive customer reviews. Don’t hesitate to ask for a trial period or demo to evaluate their compatibility with your business.

2: Pricing and Cost Structure

Study the cost structure of the service provider before taking up their virtual receptionist service. Every business has a different pricing model that may or may not be suitable for you. To avoid any discrepancies in the future, make sure that the cost is in line with the offered service and features.

3: Reputation and Expertise

Business reputation is the key to successfully track the standard of virtual receptionist companies. A reputable service is not afraid to share testimonials and reviews from their past customers. On the contrary, they are proud to share them as it builds up a solid reputation in the industry.

4: Customization and Flexibility

Another thing you should look for is flexibility in their services. Are you allowed to customize and develop your own scripts? Look for companies who can tailor solutions to your specific business needs. A service that can adapt to your changing demands and offer scalable support guarantees that you receive the appropriate degree of service without unnecessary restraints or limitations.

5: System Integration 

Assess the service’s technology and its ability to integrate with your existing systems. Ensure that the service uses dependable, up-to-date technology to handle calls efficiently and securely. Check for compatibility with your CRM, email, and other business tools to improve efficiency. Seamless integration eliminates manual effort and improves overall productivity.

Where to Hire a Virtual Receptionist?

When it comes to virtual receptionist companies to hire a virtual receptionist from, the first question anyone asks is, how much does a virtual receptionist cost on average? It is a no-brainer that you can reduce employment costs and guarantee round-the-clock, consistent, high-quality service for your clients by outsourcing VR services. Without having to pay overhead costs for a full-time, in-office team, you can explore the same services in nearly half the prices.

However, some virtual receptionist companies are expensive and cost nearly as much as hiring a full-time employee. This is where Emenac CCS comes in! Our virtual receptionist service provides a dependable and polished way to take care of your calls, make appointments, and monitor messages around-the-clock. Our skilled virtual receptionists guarantee that every call is handled promptly and competently, projecting a professional and trustworthy image for your company. 

Let us handle the specifics so you can concentrate on expanding your company. Our virtual receptionist service gives you access to a committed team that functions as an extension of your business, increasing productivity and client happiness.

Emenac CCS’s virtual receptionist service


The best virtual receptionist service is an undeniable link between your business and your customers. With a dedicated VR handling all of your calls, you can trust your brand voice to be consistent and professional. Even if your call volumes fluctuate, your live virtual receptionist will not. Outsourcing to virtual receptionist companies gives you the opportunity to adapt.

Hire a virtual receptionist to screen your calls, take messages for you during your absence, answer FAQs, schedule appointments, offer 24/7 support to your customers, and process payments efficiently. Hire Emenac CCS if you’ve faced or are facing the unwanted challenge of missed calls or unsatisfied customers for not receiving more of your time.

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