Top 8 Call Center Metrics You Need to Track for Productivity

Top 8 Call Center Metrics You Need to Track for Productivity

Consistent call center productivity is key to your call center growth. Almost in every business, customers demand companies to improve their customer support. But, how do companies improve the customer services they offer? Well, the key performance indicators are the best option. They ensure that clients are fully satisfied with your services thus, you need to track them all. 

However, the question arises which key performance indicators do you need to track and how? To put it simply, several call center metrics should be tracked for productivity. However, here we are covering the top 8 metrics that are vital for tracking key performance indicators (KPI) and improving customer services.

Why Are Call Center Metrics Essential?

Call center metrics are key performance indicators that are used to gauge your call center’s productivity and measure the overall performance.  Some call center metrics significantly impact the revenue of business which is a great thing for business growth.

1. Average Speed of Answer (ASA)

The average speed of answer (ASA) refers to the total time that an agent takes to answer the call of the client. ASA metric is used to determine the average time duration taken to answer the client’s call. Measuring the average speed is essential to boost the efficiency of call center services.

How to calculate the Average speed of answer (ASA)?

A formula is used to calculate the average speed of the answer is

Average speed of answer = Total waiting time for answered calls / total number of answered calls

2. Average Handle Time (AHT)

Average Handle Time is one of the most important metrics used by call center agents to track the key performance indicators. Basically, the average handle time helps to measure the total amount of time that the call center agents take to solve the support request. It includes the talking time, hold time, delays to respond, and follow-up actions to cater clients’ needs.

Formula to gauge the average handle time (AHT)

ATH = Total Talk Time + Total Hold Time + Follow-Up / Total Number of Calls

3. Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

A common metric used to measure how satisfied your customers are and how they perceive your company’s services. CSAT gauges clients’ feedback and scores them between 0% to 100%. It lets you know how happy customers are with your brand.

How to measure Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)?

Total number of satisfied customers/Total number of customers x 100

4. Customer Effort Score (CES)

Customer effort score (CES) is a metric that measures customers’ convenience and how comfortably they are using your products and services. In simple words, CES is used to measure the customer’s efforts that they put into interacting with your services. It calculates the effort scores that customers take to complete their tasks and interact with the company.

Customer effort score (CES) calculation formula:

CES= The sum of CES ratings/ Number of survey responses

5. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net promoter score (NPS) is the most effective metric used to gauge clients’ satisfaction or loyalty and evaluate their experience.  NPS is a method to measure customer loyalty that can be applied by any business to measure its customer’s reliability.

Consider the Formula to calculate the Net promoter score (NPS)

Net promoter score (NPS)= % Promoters – % Detractors

6. Call Volume

Call volume is a metric used to measure the total number of inbound calls coming into the call center. It can be measured in different time ranges like every fifteen minutes, thirty minutes, one hour, one day, one week, or one month.

Formula to Measure the Call Volumes:

Total Call Volume = Number of Calls handled by Agent + Number of Self-Service Calls

7. Average Talk Time (ATT)

Average talk time (ATT) is the amount of time that an agent spends to provide service and handle a customer’s matters like resolving their multiple queries. This metric measures the duration of active conversation between clients and agents. The average talk time is 6 minutes and 10 seconds with your client.

Formula to calculate Average talk time (ATT)

Average talk time = (Total customer handling time – hold time – wrap-up time)/total calls handled

8. Agent Effort Score (AES)

Agent Effort Score (AES) is a metric that measures call center KPI to know how easy it is to provide customer support for the agent. This metric helps to make your task easy, decrease clients’ frustration, and increase customer satisfaction.

Customer Effort Score = Sum of all Customer Effort Scores/Total number of respondents

Bottom Line

Call center metrics play a vital role in tracking key performance indicators and productivity. From customer satisfaction to calling wait time and talking time, you can measure everything with these exceptional metrics. So, choose the best metric for your business and address all business affairs.

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