Top 5 Customer Support Phrases to Avoid

For every business, customers are always the number one priority. It is the job of the customer care representative to treat clients with the utmost respect and serve them in the best way possible. In this article, we have compiled a list of phrases that agents should avoid using at any cost. These phrases can deliver negative meaning to the customer and may even set them off. Here is a list of five of these phrases:

1. Don’t Know:

We don’t have all the answers, and there is nothing to be afraid of coming clean when you are not certain how to resolve your customers’ complaints. However, simply saying “I have no idea” is not acceptable. It can make clients feel that you are invested in finding a solution for them.

Instead of saying “I don’t know”. The phrases like “Let me check into it” “Let me confirm this and get back to you” can make the customer feel that their concern is not taken lightly and the customer can expect a quick resolution of the problem.

The customer service rep must be mindful of the words that he uses. One word can change the meaning of the sentence and convey a different tone altogether.  

2. No Problem:

Many customer service professionals believe that ‘No problem’ is a phrase that delivers a negative message to the consumer. It signals them that there is a problem to start with and make them feel that they are far away from resolution.  As a customer service agent do not use these words. Saying “My pleasure” can convey a different message. Make them feel welcome and confident when they are talking to you.

3. Please Hold:

 It comes as no surprise that nobody likes to wait. It is especially true for your shoppers. When you ask them to hold they will feel that they are redundant.  If the solution requires time, then it is best to call back the customer with the proper solution.

However, take every measure to solve their concern on the phone. A quick and feasible answer to their problem can make them your loyal customers. If call-back technology is not available, you could ask the client: “Would you mind waiting a bit while I investigate this issue further?” Be precise about how much time is needed to solve the problem.

4. You’re Wrong:

You are familiar with saying, “customer is always right”. This is true for all businesses. Never contradict them. But customers can be wrong, however, you should never utter these words in front of them.

Companies understand the value of the customers. Delete the words like “you are incorrect” from your dictionary. Be selective and careful in the selection of words. Even a single mistake could be costly and can become problematic for your firm.

5. Calm Down:

Sometimes the customer is angry, volatile and demands a quick resolution of the problem. In many cases, an instant solution is not possible. But as a customer service representative, it is your job to never tell the consumer to “Calm down” it will only make the situation worse. Focus on improving the interaction. People get angry and emotional, draw negative conclusions, express their angst or disappointment without any apparent reason. 

But it’s essential to stay in control even when your buyer is a gushing torrent of anger and despair. Instead of telling them to chill. You should be listening and speak at a feasible moment to cool things down.

Final Words:

A role that involves working with patrons can be challenging — especially if you do not have the resources and authority necessary to resolve issues quickly. However, there is a bright side, you can decide how to respond to the situation. Although you don’t have to always feel that you’re on a tightrope. But you should be mindful of how you interact with your consumers and be thoughtful in your approach to it. Put yourself in your customer’s position and show some compassion — you’ll be amazed at the results.

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