Lower Average Handling Time: A Criteria to Measure the Performance of a Call Center

If you are looking for a highly productive call center for your business, it’s important to analyze the average handling time of the call center. It’s the time when an agent picks up a call and communicates with the customer to solve their queries. The low average handling time represents the agent’s efficiency and customer satisfaction simultaneously. 

Let’s get into the detail of all the efficient ways for reducing the average handling time that will help small businesses to hire better call centers.  

Calculating Average Time:

The average time is the summation talk time, hold time, and wrap-up time then divided by the number of calls handled. When agents are skillful, they will be able to reduce the handling time which will enable them to lower waiting time in the queue. 

Record Every Call:

Most call centers record their calls so you can access them in order to analyze the performance of the agents who are dealing with your customers. As a business owner, you can also identify the area of problems that your customers are facing regarding your product so you could improve the product based on the collected insights. 

Focus on the Agent’s Training and Coaching:

Ask your call center provide about how frequently their agents attend the training and coaching sessions during their service. It’s an effective indicator to know that the call center keeps updating its resources with time. Usually, agents are trained with recorded calls where they listen to some of the successful cases of problem resolution within lower time.  

Streamline Agent Workflows:

The handling time become staggeringly low when the workflow of the agent is managed efficiently. For optimizing the performance of the agents, call centers avoid haphazard activities and streamline workflow by using the latest software and technology to automate the process.  

Use the Dedicated Knowledge Base:

Best call center service providers have their knowledge base in the form of contracting with some research organizations so they could get the best info when needed. It helps the agent to get ready to face the toughest questions from the customers and answer them in lesser time by focusing on the solution. 

Upgrade Call Routing with Advanced Technology:

Every agent is qualified for solving certain types of problems so for dealing with the most relevant calls, call centers use software to collect initial credentials of the issue by the customers. The software then transfers the call to the agent who is equipped enough to deal with in no time. 


Handling time is one of the basic parameters to measure the performance of the call center service provider. When you hire a call center, you can simply ask for the time handling record that will provide you with a robust idea about the efficiency of their agents. If the handling time is lower, it means that the call center is good to come in business terms with it.

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