How Does Offering 24/7 After-Hour Support Benefit Your Business?

Customer retention and service provision are dependent upon responsive customer service. The majority of businesses are open from 9 to 5 on weekdays. But what about customer service after hours?

For B2C businesses, it’s necessary to have the capability of offering evenings and weekends, and if possible 24 hours, customer service. Extensive customer service hours can also benefit business-to-business companies, even though their target audience is also on their way home at 5 pm.

The following article will examine five ways any business, can benefit from a company’s 24/7 support regardless of the industry.

1. Better Customer Relationships and Retention:

People are willing to wait for answers for a short time. Don’t overestimate this. With existing customers, people expect and appreciate a rapid response. Answering your questions is always part of an ever-expanding chain of information they have to share with others. Delayed responses can cause frustration among the customers and can result in a bad reputation for your company.

2. Make More Sales:

New business inquiries require a more immediate response. If you cannot respond to customers on time, then they will certainly not like to do business with you.  There is a possibility of losing that lead forever.

So, the fast reply and response to customer queries could mean a favorable outcome for you and a better chance of growth.  Getting to know your customers personally shows that you are attentive to detail. And it gives you an indication of the level of support the person may receive if they decided to become your customers. 

People will also appreciate your 24/7 customer service even if they don’t expect it — this is a unique service that only businesses who want to succeed provide.  Immediately replying to people’s emails, sales calls, and chat message makes people trust you. Often, when a person leaves a message for a company to call them back, they get anxious and decide otherwise, if you take a long time to respond.  Think about how many new customers you will be able to win if you are available 24/7. You could easily triple your sales just by answering more calls.

3. Attract Customers Across Multiple Regions:

You can be open for business every minute and every second to customers all over the world when you have continuous customer support.  Many companies now provide online services to customers worldwide.  With continuous services, you will be able to get customers from the USA, Australia, Canada, and other developed countries. This way you can expand and grow your business across different time zones and regions. 

A helpdesk that can answer telephone calls from people outside your country can also prove useful when you sell your products overseas. You can introduce your business and product to the international market, and get international popularity. 

4. Boost Productivity:

Using a call center like Emenac call center eliminates the burden of delivering immediate customer service to your team. Customers often encounter issues that require patience. The round the clock customer service line can be used to handle many issues after business hours. So they are not a burden during the business day.  This way you can spend your time on more productive things. 

Even if the issue cannot be resolved, the agent will get all the information you need for you to solve the issue quickly. Your customers will be satisfied instantly. As well as being more productive, you will be able to provide better proactive customer service rather than reactively dealing with issues.

5. Increased Professional Reputation:

Selling and providing customer service over the phone is not a skill that everyone can master. It doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Training is essential to be able to speak with clarity, make decisions on the spot, and resolve inquiries quickly on the phone. This benefits your business in many ways. In every business, customer satisfaction is the main aim.

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