Virtual Agents Also often referred to as Home Worker or Tele Worker; an agent working for the contact center without being present within the premises of the contact center Virtual Call Center A contact/call center that needs no location to be set up at but only requires internet and telecom services Visible Queue An announcement […]


WAN Wide Area Network; a network in certain physical location that uses data networks to connect telephonically as well as through internet Web Chat Live communication conducted through chatting over the internet Web Conferencing A service that facilitates videoconferencing via internet Web Self Service A form of CRM that allows employees and customers to channel […]


WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access; a telecom technology that enables wireless transmission of data serving various modes such as point-to-multipoint links, portable items and mobile devices


Zip Tone A tone heard before the arrival of a call as opposed to beep tones which are heard as a number is dialed and the call is being monitored


ACD Automatic Call Distributor: a system used to reroute, forward or distribute calls to available representatives Abandoned Call Also often referred to as Lost Call, an Abandoned Call is a call that the caller disconnects before getting connected to an agent Activity Codes Also often referred to as Wrap-up Codes, Activity Codes are used by […]