Columbus day 2022

Columbus day 2022 – Every American should be aware of these 5 facts.

Columbus day, The day to remember the discovery of the new world by Cristoforo Colombo.

Every year, on the second Monday of October we celebrate Columbus Day, as before this Columbus day will be celebrated on the same day but on the 10th of October 2022.

Many Americans are still unaware of its origins Even though this festival is Celebrated every year. Here are some of the most fascinating Columbus Day facts that everyone should be aware of.

1. Columbus Day date changed:

On October 12, people commemorate Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the Americas in 1942, Before it was made a federal holiday. Columbus Day has unofficially observed in many cities in the 18th century, many people believe that the purpose of Columbus Day is to honor the brave explorer’s accomplishments.

2. Colorado leading the list:

Eventually, Colorado marked itself on the top of the list by officially declaring this day a holiday on the 1st of April,1907 This shouldn’t come as a surprise given that the Italian adventurer is even honored by a large city in Colorado. Colorado was quickly followed in 1909 by New York. Then Finally, President Franklin D. Roosevelt made this day a national holiday in 1934.

3. What Is Controversial About Columbus Day?

Christopher Columbus is revered as an explorer by some. Others, though, view him as a colonizer.

Despite the fact that he did “discover” the New World, the impact of his arrival included the enslavement and murder of numerous Indigenous peoples. He also forcefully snatched the land of Americans who were called “Indians” by himself. Even while Columbus Day has been celebrated for a very long time, its origins are controversial.

4. Unique to Italian Americans:

Columbus Day is not only a celebration of Columbus’ accomplishments but also a significant event for Italian Americans. Although Spain funded his travels, Columbus was actually Italian-born and from Genoa. Today, a lot of Italian-Americans celebrate their heritage on Columbus Day.

5. Holiday That Is Least Observed:

This is partly because many states do not formally acknowledge the holiday because of its contentious past. There’s the fact that Columbus Day is the least recognized federal holiday in the US which is one of the event’s most intriguing facts. Banks and non-essential government offices do close on Columbus Day, but the majority of companies are open. The majority of states likewise let their schools out for the day.

Knowing the facts about Columbus Day:

However, because of its contentious origins, Indigenous Peoples’ Day or Native American Day has taken the role of Columbus Day for many. But, certain groups have objected to the removal of Columbus Day. Regardless, being aware of these Columbus Day facts will improve your comprehension of the occasion and enable you to make your own thoughts. Although Americans should be aware of the significance of Columbus Day and the reasons, the nation celebrates it.

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