Avoid Common Rental Scams

Helpful Ways to Avoid Common Rental Scams

Are you aware of rental scams? If yes, Great! But if no, here is our blog in which we will discuss all details of common rental scams and how to possible save yourself from getting into any trouble related to this.

Rental scams is basically of two main types.

  • Phantom Rentals
  • Ad Hijacking

In both types, the main purpose is to scam the buyers. Phantom rentals are when scammer post an ad with a fake picture of houses and ad hijacking is when fraudsters hijacked original lists of real estate and replace their numbers with their own.

No matter what type of scam is this you should always one step ahead of the scammers. Read on, we have simplest ways of avoiding the big scammers.

Ways to spot Common Rental Scam:

1. Check background details:

Always research thoroughly before renting any property. Always ask for complete background details. If they are resisting or giving little information, then it is a scam. Never took another step before doing your complete research.

2. No proper documentation:

Always go for proper documentation. But this documentation should never be related to your confidential information like providing them your bank details, account details etc. Double check the addresses they have given to you.

3. Never rent before keen-sighting it:

Never ever rent anything without giving your personal visit. See from your eyes and believe. Be very smart while asking questions related to the property. Get an idea from their answers.

4. Cheap rental properties:

Never fall in their trap of getting low rent for properties. Check the market rate and it they are providing you the property in less price, there must be something fishy about it. Scammers attracts people through this tactic.

5. Talk to the tenants living there:

The best and great source of getting genuine information is from the ones who are experiencing it, the persons who are living there if any. Get general information of expenses, utility bills, about the landlord, and security procedure etc. It will be of great help.

6. Rental companies:

Always prefer renting from the companies who are responsible for renting. It is a safe way to rent property with minimum or no scam. Rental real state agency has licensed, so it is best to rent through them.

7. Meetup with landlord:

Before renting any property, you must ask your agents to arrange a meeting with landlord. If they are making excuses like they are currently not in country or in town, do not believe them. Meet them in person and then rent it.

8. Do not transfer money without signing a lease:

Money should be your last thing to do while renting a property. If they are asking you to give them some money for continue the procedure, never done that. Don’t even think about it of giving them any money.  They often ask money for background check, if they are charging you high, don’t give any money.

9. Trust your sixth sense:

Always believe in your instincts. Most of the time your sixth sense show you the right path. If you feel like scamming always discussed it with professional person. Then took step according to the advice.

Final thoughts:

After all this if you got scammed, first step you should take is, to report to the police. Call your bank, if you have given any account information. Report their site as well to prevents others from common rental scams.

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