6 Customer Support Email Tips: Checklist for Smarter Customer Management

Customer service is challenging because you receive a large number of emails and must respond to them promptly. It is exhausting to write emails all day long. Many times email support executives forget that the actual human being is hoping to hear back from you with a reply that will resolve their concerns.

The demand for rapid Smarter Customer Management has grown significantly in recent years, but many times your clients prefer to take their time to communicate effectively. E-mail is often used by customers when they want more detailed explanations about a certain problem. 

Checklist for Smarter Customer Management:

According to the research firm, more than half of customers use email as their primary digital mode of communication. Customer service is one of the most important aspects of your business, regardless of the type of information you need to deliver. 

Therefore, good customer service providing a better level of customer service can determine your business’s success or failure. 

But how do you deliver more insightful messages that are meaningful and answer the questions of your customers without sacrificing productivity? 

Sending the perfect email will make your customers happy. Here are six tips for Smarter Customer Management.

1. Personalize Your Email Interactions:

Personal service is the heart of the customer service industry – a catchphrase that is uttered unnecessarily without considering its significance. Using customer names in email templates is useful, however, real personalization involves providing your customers with a sense as if they are interacting with a real person instead of an automated system.

Why? The reason behind it is customers. About 44-45% of people prefer to communicate with an agent that is both experienced and helpful. Managing support largely through email means that much of your communication is done through words—where you can easily come across as anything but personal.

2. Say ‘Thank You’:

Although many companies do not see it this way, if the customers are complaining then it is a valuable insight, that will further improve your services.  The Lee Resources Global Study found that in small and midsize businesses, for every shopper who makes a complaint, 30 customers don’t even bother to complain -they do not come back. So, by resolving customer complaints, you are retaining those 30 customers that are leaving you without even saying any word. 

That’s a big gift. Taking the time to sincerely thank your customers can go a long way towards strengthening your business partnership.

By being grateful, we change not just how we relate to things, but also transform how we behave positively. Did they give your comments? If so, acknowledge them. Have they reported a glitch? Thank them. No matter what the customers are saying about your product a simple thank you with an explanation can go a long way.  No matter what the tone or content of their feedback is, make sure your customer knows you appreciate it.

3. Simple Solutions:

Use simple language when proposing a solution to the customer. It is important to convey information to the customer in a way he understands, so don’t confuse him with technical jargon.

A process could be broken down into steps if there is one to follow. This makes things easier for customers and overloading him/her with unnecessary information can complicate things and lead to frustration.  

4. Provide Links for Further Support:

You may want to include links. If your solution requires access to multiple images or long documents. You should never overload your customers with useless information in the text of the email. 

Links pointing to the brand website are another solution. Videos, or specific answers to frequently asked questions in a database. A customer may be able to use this technique with an email.

5. Don’t Waste Time:

Generally, companies respond to emails just over 8-12 hours after receiving them, according to Super Office data. According to TPS Inc.  (Toister Performance Incorporation), 88.2% of customers expect an email response time of 1 hour.

 Respond quickly to email inquiries; because the clock is ticking. If due for some reason your customer’s query will take longer than 12 hours or more, then you must inform them with an automated response. 

6. Automate Responses to Emails for Streamlined Communication:

While speed isn’t the best thing in customer service, response time does matter. Support representatives can save a lot of time if there is an easy way to respond to common issues. Here we mean automation.  

The majority of people believe that automation of customer service is about substituting or minimizing person-to-person interaction or communication. Automating customer service is not meant to displace or reduce human involvement or communication. It’s possible to save time while maintaining any personal touch using your common replies as long as you are thinking about them.


After reading the email, make sure that the customers understand when and how their problem will be handled. If you just explain the most important steps to them, it can go a long way. You do not need to give every detail about the process. For example, if a customer writes to complain about a defective product, explain what steps you will take to replace or rectify it.