How We Use Positive Scripting for Superior Customer Service

Customer services hold the highest importance for any business since every business revolves around customers. When customers call regarding a problem they faced, they are distressed and need not be worried any further by the call agents. Certain implications, phrases, and sentences can cause customers frustration and this can result in loss of clients. Call agents need to be provided scripts that are supposed to generate a feeling of positivity and generate alternatives to the problems being faced easily.

Positive scripting is the best way of making sure customers are calmed and reassured. What is positive scripting, you ask? Let us guide you:

Positive Scripting:

The designing of a script that helps call agents avoid frustrating customers. It is a great help in calming down an upset customer and formulating a positive message.

Positive scripting can also be used to get to a target result. For instance, it is also used to up-sell a customer from a lower grade subscription to a higher one. The use of positive words and phrases loosens the tension in the conversation and opens the path to solutions.

How We Design Positive Scripting:

Positive scripting is more than just its positive phrases and words and the avoidance of negative ones. It is also the convenience of the agents and how are their navigation, flow, and usability of the script. We take the following steps to improve our customer experience:

  • We Don’t Cram Information:

What compromises the reputation scripting is the long pauses that are caused by agents looking for the relevant answers and making the advisors sound like robots with the use of difficult vocabularies. But most of the pauses are caused by advisors looking for relevant information.

The best solution we use is limiting the amount or number of information per page. When the pages are less crowded, it becomes easier for the agents to look for what they want and this keeps the flow of the conversation alive.

  • We Avoid Going Off Script:

Sometimes the customers tend to go off script and it is mainly due to a lack of proper scripting. The best way to keep the call on track is the use of precise questions. Asking open-end questions will lead to customers continuing the conversation for a longer time. We use closed questions to quickly identify the problem and fix it.

  • No Paper Scripts Here:

We avoid the use of paper scripts for a bunch of reasons. Scripts can be long sometimes and sometimes short; while handling customers, it can be difficult for the advisors to navigate through long scripts that span over tens of papers. Another reason to avoid the use of papers is because of the background noise they make. We use scripting tools that bring up the next question in a single click.

  • We Test Our Scripts:

How do we know our scripts work? Before using scripts for customer interactions we make sure they are tested and trailed for maximum output. It is a necessary step before rolling out a script because you never know the consequences of an untested step that you take regarding customers. Customer care is the core of any business and when faced with problems, the obstacles need to be removed immediately. Since every business puts customers before all, it is only logical to take these steps in improving their experience.

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