Contact Rates and Connection rates: The Versus and the Vitality

To measure success of a business and its sales team requires various metrics. Out of all these many metrics of success measuring, the two most significant ones are connection rates and contact rates. Although these may seem quite similar, there is a contrast between the two, and both wield an individually unrelated power to steer a business to success!

All businesses wish to attract leads and convert them but even with third-party customer service providers it has become quite challenging to connect with customers and get their feedback. This is because the consumer market now gets way too many marketing calls they have stopped answering their phones!

Contact Center Companies offer and boast way too much these days, but it is all for naught if they cannot get your brand high contact and connection rates! Let’s cognize what contact and connection rates are and how these are imperative to the success of your business!

What is the Contact Rate?

The Contact rate refers to the percentage of outreach attempts or calls done by your customer service provider, the outcome of which is a consequential exchange that results successfully as planned. This can include a phone call in which the potential customer shows evident interest in the products or services being provided or an email that may lead to a purchase.

The Vitality:

Contact rates are imperative owing to their ability to gauge the definitive target of all sales outreach endeavors which result in converting potential customers into actual customers. The sales representatives of Contact Center Companies may be able to reach a huge number of potential customers through their campaigns of calls and emails, but if they fail to have consequential conversations, it is unlikely that they will make any sales. Therefore, to measure success in business, contact rate plays a vital role.

What is Connection Rate:

A connection rate is the percentage of calls or outreach attempts made the outcome of which is some sort of connection with the potential customer. It, however, is not a measure of how successful the contact made was, it only is an indication that the right potential customer was connected with. It may or may not result in a purchase.

The Vitality:

Connection rates are of great magnitude because they give contact center services an idea about how successful and effective their outreach campaigns are. If you are a business owner, it is also a measure of how well is your customer service provider doing its job! A higher connection rate may, however, not always mean that a deal is closed.

The Versus:

To illustrate the contrast, we have put the differences between the contact and the connection rate in the table below:

Contact rateConnection rate
It is a measure of a successful conversation with the potential client.It is a measure of a successful connection made with a potential client.
A higher contact rate indicates a higher probability of the potential customer being turned into an actual customer.A higher connection rate indicates that the right potential market is being connected with through outreach campaigns.
The contact rate is more vital as it wields long-term results.The connection rate is comparatively less vital as it wields short-term results.

The Conclusion

Now that you understand how to measure success of contact center companies, and want to hire one that can lead your business on the road to success, opt for a company that understands and knows the best! Choose Emenac Call Center Services for your business today, for we have a team of professionals and experts who will never disappoint you!

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