Call Center Representatives

20 Different Types of Call Center Representatives You Should Know

In the call center world, you could interact with different types of call center representatives. You may experience friendly, knowledgeable call center representatives which is a source of great customer experience or you may also find customer services representatives who are too talkative, rude, or questionable.

Here we have listed down 20 different types of call center representatives you should know to prepare yourself to deal with them. Without further ado let’s get started.

Great Customer Experience:

1. Friendly Call Center Representatives

Friendly representative engages the customers in effective conversation and tries to make them comfortable before listening to their actual issues. After that, they provide the best possible solution to customers’ problems that leads to great customer experience.

2. Excited Call Center Representatives

Excited representatives are enthusiastic about their job and provide excellent customer experience to the consumers.

3. Knowledgeable Call Center Representatives

 Knowledgeable call center representatives are the best in their job as they have knowledge about their brands, products, and services. They have quick and effective solutions to your issues.

Mild Customer Experience:

4. Fast Call Center Representatives

Fast representatives speak too fast and often hard to understand it. Some customers ask to repeat themselves and that will lead to a mild customer experience.

5. Loud Call Center Representatives

Loud call center representatives forget about their surroundings and distract the other agents in the call centers. They are loud but can answer your questions effectively.

6. Life-Sharers Call Center representatives

Life-sharers representatives are not always warmly welcomed because customers are always in a hurry to get the answers to their queries.

Neutral Customer Experience:

7. Indifferent Call Center Representatives

Indifferent representatives are boring people who do their job like a robot and answer your questions in the same tone without adding some exciting element.

8. Call Center Representatives who ask too much

Customer service representatives who want too much are not always the favorite of customers as they are in a hurry and want agents to get to the point.

9. Joke-Telling Call Center Representatives

If you enjoy jokes then it is fine for the joke-telling representative but if customers are quite the opposite, they might experience bad customer service.

Questionable Customer Experience:

10. Boring Call Center Representatives

Boring representatives are similar to indifferent customer service representatives and answer all the issues like reading a script (in a single tone).

11. Close mic Call Center Representatives

Representatives who speak close to the mic are hard to understand the customer and might make them uncomfortable.

12. Winded Body Call Center Representatives

Customer service representatives must be calm and relaxed. You are not running in a marathon, so your breath should not be out.

13. The Forgetful Call Center Representatives

A forgetful customer service representative may irritate the customers by asking the same issue again. It seems rude to the customers.

14. Quiet Call Center Representatives

The quiet representative gives a feeling to the customers that you are not interested in their issues at all. It might raise questions about your brand in customers’ minds.

15. Distant Call Center Representatives

The distant representative gives a poor experience as customers can’t hear you properly.

16. Speakerphone Call Center Representatives

Speakerphone customer services representative sounds disturbs the other representative and their sound is also not clearly heard by the customers.

Unfortunate Experience:

17. Cutting out Call Center Representatives

Call center representatives must not speak with pauses it gives customers the impression that your customer services are not.

18. Slow Call Center Representatives

Slow customer service representative makes the customers annoy as they do not have enough time for this.

19. Long-to-Respond Call Center Representatives

Your customer service gives a bad experience if you are not answering the questions of the customers quickly.

20. Angry Call Center Representatives

An angry representative at the consumers is not okay as it provides the worst customer experience and customers not only go away but also complain and give negative feedback to the customers.

Bottom Lines

Call center representative is vital for the success of the brands as they provide excellent or worse customer experience. We hope the above-given list of 20 call center representatives will help you in identifying whom you are talking to and how you can tackle them. Emenac Call Center Services has a team of professionals that are trained to provide excellent customer service to the customers. They are friendly, knowledgeable, and excited to solve consumers’ queries.

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